BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

  • LTP Home
  • 1A Portal Design
  • 1B The TIME Institute
  • 2A Station Studios
  • 2B Flowerton Enterprises
  • 3A Portal City Planners
  • 3B Portal Press

The TIME Institute:

Stone Age to Iron Age

Year 3 Term 1B


Time Agents


Great North Museum


The Sheep Pig

Oracy Development Opportunities


Focus Narrative:

Cliffhangers - What happened next?

Key Text/Stimulus:

Broken rock paper scissors (Animation)

Focus Non-Narrative:

Explanation Texts

Key Text/Stimulus:

Science - Rocks

Curriculum support genres:

Explanation Texts

Senses Poems

Debate - what happened next?

Performing poems



Barbara Hepworth - Sculpture



Feedback, sharing ideas and advice

What was Barbara Hepworth?Barbara Hepworth was a famous British artist and sculptor known for creating large, abstract sculptures inspired by nature and the human form.

What is sculpture? A sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork made by shaping materials like stone, clay, wood, or metal to create figures, objects, or abstract forms.



Jigsaw RE

Has Christmas lost its true meaning?


Who do Christians believe that God chose to be the mother of his son?
God chose a Jewish young woman called Mary, who was engaged to Joseph the carpenter,  to be the mother of his earthly son.

Who do Christians believe spoke to Mary about this?He sent his angel, Gabriel, to ask this of her. Mary agreed to allow this to happen and Jesus was born in Bethlehem.



National Curriculum:

changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age


Hunting and gathering freeze frame, discussions

What was lifelike in the Paleolithic and Mesolithic?  Early humans started using stone for tools and weapons. They also used stones to light fires. Early people were hunter gatherers. They would hunt animals to eat such as woolly mammoths, reindeers and woolly rhinoceros, caught fish and  gathered fruits and berries when they could. Early humans used the animal’s woolly coat to keep them warm in the winter and they would use animal horns as tools, weapons or even to help clear snow out of their path. People during this time built temporary homes so that they could move quickly to follow the animals and continue to hunt.  

What key changes took place from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age?  During the Neolithic Stone Age, people started to settle and not follow animals. They would plant the seeds from the plants they gathered and looked after them so that they would grow and use stone and bone tools to cut the plants, so that they could turn them into food and eat them.  (Agriculture) People also captured smaller animals such as dogs, pigs and sheep. They looked after them so that they would have babies. This meant that they would have bigger groups of animals near their homes that they could milk, skin for hides/fur and kill for meat/bone for food and tools (farming)Stonehenge- They used this to help them determine the seasons and it is believed people worshipped the sun  

How did daily life change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?  People in the Bronze Age and Iron Age lived in roundhouses.  In the Iron Age, these houses were sometimes rectangular and were often gathered in farming communities on hills. These were known as ‘hillforts.  Art/culture  



National Curriculum:

No focus  



Key locations linked to History


Real PE Unit:

Unit 2

Cog Focus

  • Social Skills

Fundamental Movement Skills

  • Dynamic Balance to Agility: Jumping and Landing
  • Static Balance: Seated





National Curriculum:

Focus objectives:


Focus skills:

  • Grating
  • Peeling
  • Cutting (bridge hold/claw grip/fork hold)
  • measuring
  • kneading


Soda bread - History link

Giving instructions, feedback, explanations


National Curriculum:


compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties

describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock

recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter

Debates about grouping, discussions, sharing views and ideas


Sorting rocks into natural and human  Are all rocks the same?

Soil Permeability

WOW! Wonder Launch

Sort different types of rocks based on physical appearance.


National Curriculum:

Information Tech

Branching Databases - linked to science (PM Unit 3.6)

Planning Link

Digital Literacy

Safety in Numbers (PM Unit 3.2 Lesson 1)

Planning Link

discussions, sharing ideas and views


Instrument Tuition

Steel Pans

Planning Link



Language Angels Unit

Core Vocabulary & Phonetics:

  • Recap Previous Vocabulary
  • Feliz Navidad (Christmas)



Early Language Unit (6 Lessons):

  • Aprendo Espanol (I'm Learning Spanish)



Planning Link

Planning Link

Speaking aloud