BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool


At Bedlington Station Primary School we are committed to ensuring that our school uniform is smart, practical, hard wearing and represents good value for money. For that reason we have a variety of options for parents when acquiring uniform.

Parents and Carers can choose one of the following options:

  • Branded uniform is available through our primary uniform provider Emblematic.
  • Unbranded uniform can be purchased from the usual high street shops and supermarkets.
  • Iron-on school badges are available from the school office if required.
  • A range of pre-owned uniform is available in the school foyer, free of charge.


All children must wear school uniform.

If there are any reasons why a child cannot wear a school uniform we request that parents let us know why.

If this is a short term issue, we will be understanding and consider the reasons given.

If a child is not wearing the correct uniform and we have not been given a reason for this, we will contact the parent/carer and ask them to bring the correct uniform to school or to ensure the correct uniform is worn in the future.  

If a child comes to school in a different jumper/hoody than the required purple one (outlined below) they will be asked to remove it and we have some clean spares that the child will be given the option to wear.  




Our uniform consists of :

Purple sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo.

Grey/black trousers or skirt

White blouse, shirt or polo shirt


School shorts (or plain tracksuit/jogging bottoms) and T-shirt (or plain, non-branded)

Trainers or sandshoes (plain, non-branded)

Swimming costume/trunks and towel (Y5/6 only)


Uniform can be ordered through Emblematic via the link below.

Plain uniform is available from Asda. Iron on school logo patches can be purchased from the school office.


The Community Hub now stores kindly donated, preloved uniform and all donations of uniform can be sent to them. You can go down at any time to have a look and take what you need.

Uniform 1
Appropriate Footwear
Uniform 2