BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool


We continually try to improve what we do at our school in order to give your children the best experience possible. Each year we devise a School Development Plan (SDP) which outlines our priorities for the year. The priorities in the SDP are based on the changing needs of our school and our pupils.  

The following are key highlights from the 2024-25 SDP. It is a working document and priorities may change and develop over the year.

Priority OneTo ensure agreed procedures and policies for reading and writing are embedded and maintained across school.

Priority Two

Continue to improve the children's fluency and automaticity by developing key learning for each year group that is key to progression through the curriculum and to ensure appropriate White Rose calculation policies are followed.

Priority Three

To ensure key learning is identified across foundation subjects and that this key learning is used to assess children’s understanding (summative and formative).

Priority Four

To further embed our restorative behaviour procedures and to look at key threads within the policy to across the year.

Priority Five

To start to develop our outdoor provision to include forest school provision on the school field that can be utilised by all pupils.

Priority Six

To continue with the implementation of ‘The Curiosity Approach’ is in place across EYFS and that modules are completed towards accreditation to ensure high quality teaching and learning across EY provision.