BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

‍‍‍Bathr‍‍‍oom Mirrors.

The school council identified a need  mirrors in the bathrooms in main school. This was an issue that was brought up by a number of children. The school council researched costs, found appropriate products and met with the Head Teacher who agreed to buy the mirrors. They have now been installed into the toilets.

Previous School Council Projects

Our School Council

Our school council is made up of 7 pupils from Year 5  and Year 6. These pupils were selected in an election where all pupils in‍‍‍‍‍ school had a vote. Each member represents a class in school and seeks out the views and ideas of that class to share with the council. The council also has a chairperson, secretary and a staff mentor. The council meets monthly to discuss issues and ongoing projects. All pupils can give feedback to the council via feedback forms in the school corridor. The council discusses the ideas generated here with their staff mentor and the Head Teacher

Healthy Packed Lunches.

This is a project the school council are currently looking at. They have worked with staff to come up with a packed lunch policy, which will soon be shared with staff, children and parents.


This is an ongoing area for improvement identified by the school council.

So far they have:

* Carried out questionnaires across school and used their answers to gain knowledge of and improve our whole school recycling.‍‍‍

* Provided each classroom (including Rainbow Station and HUB) with 3 types of bin; waste and fruit, milk and paper/card.‍‍‍

* Selected a recycling monitor for each class who is in charge of monitoring recycling in class.

* Started to discuss composting.

Recycling Station now installed in the Hall.

Bike and Scooter storage.

This is an area for improvement identified by the school council. They are currently preparing for a new bike shed for the yard, which will be more organised and secure.‍‍‍

New bike shelter now installed.

School Council Newsletter

This new area is being discussed by the school council. They are hoping to create a monthly newsletter which will update all staff, children and parents about current school council issues and projects.

Current School Council Projects


This is a project the school council are currently looking at. They are working with Mrs Johnston and Mr Layton to look at developing how children play and use our outdoor spaces at break and lunchtime, including purchasing new storage sheds. This will develop in the coming months.


This is a project the school council are currently looking at. They are undertaking a review of children's experiences in school and aim to ensure that all activities in our extended curriculum (theme days/projects/charity events etc) as inclusive as possible so that no child feels left out and isolated because they are unable to join in the same way as their friends.