BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

  • LTP Home
  • 1A Portal Design
  • 1B The TIME Institute
  • 2A Station Studios
  • 2B Flowerton Enterprises
  • 3A Portal City Planners
  • 3B Portal Press

Portal City Planners:

New Town


Year 3 Term 3A


Urban Planners


Woodhorn Colliery


Riddles and Poems

Oracy Development Opportunities


Focus Narrative:

Adventure stories (comics)

Key Text/Stimulus:

The Last Kids on Earth

Focus Non-Narrative:


Key Text/Stimulus:


Curriculum support genres:

Nonsense poems (plants)

Explanation Texts

Perform riddles to audience

Acting Last Kids on Earth scenes



Printing (Lithography)

Feedback, advice, sharing ideas



Roy Lichtenstein

What was Roy Lichtenstein?He was an American artist known for his colourful, comic book-style paintings that often featured bold lines and dots, making everyday subjects look exciting and fun.

What is lithography?Lithography printing is a method of making images by drawing on a flat surface with a special ink, then using that surface to print copies on paper.


Jigsaw RE

Does visiting the Ganges make a person a better Sanatani?


Northumberland Agreed Syllabus - Unit L2.11 How and why do people mark the significant events of life?

Why is the River Ganges special to  Sanatanis?It is considered to be sacred and spiritually pure by believers although in reality it is not a clean river. Because of the purifying nature of the river, Sanatanis believe that any rituals performed on the banks of the Ganges or in its water will wash away impurity


National Curriculum:

a local history study



Bedlington Station through the ages.

Compare then and now.

Timeline of our town

Mining heritage - Woodhorn Colliery

What is new in Bedlington Station and what has been there a long time?  
School's location and look at maps of Bedlington.  Railway - both old and new. New shops/cafes, Library

Why and how has Bedlington Station changed? Examine a range of historical maps of Bedlington to examine change over time related to time use. Understand how pedestrianisation, housing developments, new train line links, the rise in population rates and role of universities etc. influence how a town develops.  

How have the people of Bedlington Station changed? Discuss the influence of mining in the local area Woodhorn colliery  


National Curriculum:

describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water



New town planning

Scout locations and compare based on access to resources. Use digital maps

Create 3D plans for new town which include areas for all needs (groups)



presenting arguments for a locations, persuading others.

What are the types of land use? Housing, industrial, recreational, commercial, agriculture.

What is a trade link? Trade links are connections between different countries or regions that allow them to buy and sell goods and services to each other.

What types of settlement are there?Settlement types are the different ways people live in a place, such as villages, towns, cities, and rural areas, based on factors like size, population, and how they are organised.



Real PE Unit:

Unit 5

Cog Focus

  • Physical Skills

Fundamental Movement Skills

  • Agility: Reaction/Response
  • Static Balance: Floor Work




Feedback, advice, sharing ideas



National Curriculum:

No focus


No focus  



National Curriculum:

Working Scientifically







National Curriculum:

Information Tech

Spreadsheets (PM Unit 3.3)

Graphing (PM Unit 3.8)


Planning Link

Planning Link

Digital Literacy

Appropriate Content and Ratings (PM Unit 3.2 L3)

debate, discussions

Planning Link


Planning Link

Instrument Tuition

Steel Pans



Language Angels Unit

Core Vocabulary & Phonetics:

  • Recap Previous Vocabulary


Early Language Unit (6 Lessons):

  • Caperucita Roja (Little Red Riding Hood)



Planning Link

Planning Link

Speaking aloud