BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

  • LTP Home
  • 1A Portal Design
  • 1B The TIME Institute
  • 2A Station Studios
  • 2B Flowerton Enterprises
  • 3A Portal City Planners
  • 3B Portal Press

Station Studios:

Animals Around the World


Year 3 Term 2A


TV Producers


No visit


Fantastic Mr Fox

Oracy Development Opportunities


Focus Narrative:

Animal stories

Key Text/Stimulus:

The Sheep Pig

Focus Non-Narrative:

British Poetry (Oral)

Key Text/Stimulus:

The Owl and the Pussycat

Curriculum support genres:

Non Chronological Reports

Hot-seating characters in story

Poetry performance




Various - Sketch book development


Sketch books

Feedback, advice, sharing ideas



Jigsaw RE

Could Jesus heal people? Did He perform miracles or was there some other explanation?


What does the Bible tell us about miracles? The Christian holy book tells of acts that Jesus performed during his lifetime which evidence to believers that he was truly God. As part of his ministry, narrated in the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus performed many miracles where he healed people.


National Curriculum:

No focus


Planning Link


No focus


National Curriculum:

use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied

locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities - link to animals found in these locations.


Why do some animals migrate?   Some animals migrate to find better food, warmer weather, or safe places to raise their babies. They move to different areas when the seasons change to survive and thrive.

Which environmental regions are there in Europe and in which countries are they in?

Tundra - Countries: Russia, Norway, Finland, and parts of Sweden. Characterised by cold temperatures, permafrost, and limited vegetation, mainly mosses and lichens.

Temperate Forest - Countries: Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and parts of Italy and Poland.  Features a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees, with four distinct seasons and moderate rainfall.

Mountain Regions Countries: Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and parts of France (the Alps), as well as the Pyrenees between France and Spain. These areas have diverse ecosystems that vary with altitude, featuring alpine meadows, rocky terrains, and unique wildlife.


Real PE Unit:

Unit 3

Cog Focus

  • Cognitive Skills

Fundamental Movement Skills

  • Dynamic Balance: On a Line
  • Coordination: Ball Skills




Feedback, advice, sharing ideas



National Curriculum:

No focus


No focus




National Curriculum:


identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat

identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement


Presenting information, recording videos for Portal,

Investigations:Food labels


WOW! Wonder Launch

Match animals to their skeletons and explain your reasons for this.


National Curriculum:

Information Tech

iMovie - Portal episodes about animals. Titles/Video/Photos/Transitions.

Recording video and voice overs, performing/presenting

Digital Literacy

Email (PM Unit 3.5)

Planning Link

debate, discussions


No focus


Language Angels Unit

Core Vocabulary & Phonetics:

  • Recap Previous Vocabulary


Early Language Unit (6 Lessons):

  • Los Animales (Animals)



Planning Link

Planning Link

Speaking aloud