BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

  • LTP Home
  • 1A TIME Institute
  • 1B Portal City Planners
  • 2A Portal Design
  • 2B Station Studios
  • 3A Portal Press
  • 3B Crankpot Industries

Portal City Planners:

Global Village  


Year 6 Term 1B


Urban Planners


No visit


There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom

Oracy Development Opportunities


Focus Narrative:

Flashback Stories

Key Text/Stimulus:

The Piano (Animation)

Replay (animation)  

Focus Non-Narrative:

Information Text - Blogs

Key Text/Stimulus:


Curriculum support genres:

Explanation Texts (Art - Fashion Show)


Hot-seating as characters

Freeze frame - thoughts/feelings

Present Blogs to audience



Vivienne Westwood - (British Designer)


Textiles (Sewing/glueing) Linked to DT

Feedback/critique work

Who was Vivienne Westwood?Vivienne Westwood was a famous British fashion designer who created bold and creative clothes, helping to make punk and modern fashion exciting and different!

What are the steps in the process of designing clothes?Fashion design has five main steps: concept, sketches, fabrics/material choices, making (sew or put it together), and presenting (let people see and wear it)!


Jigsaw RE

How did Jesus create a "New Covenant" and what does that mean to Christians today?

Northumberland Agreed Syllabus Unit U2.4 How do Christians decide how to live? ‘What would Jesus do?’

Group discussions/debate

What is a covenant?Christians believe, in the Bible, a covenant is a special promise or agreement made between God and people, where both sides agree to do something for each other.

What is the New Covenant?Christians believe The New Covenant is a special promise from God, through Jesus, that He will always love and forgive people if they trust in Him and follow His ways.

What may the New Covenant mean to a Christian today and what impact it might have on how they live their lives?The New Covenant means that Christians believe God loves and forgives them, so they try to live kindly, follow Jesus' teachings, and treat others with love and fairness.


National Curriculum:

a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066  


Share opinions

Content: London/Paris

Designing a capital:
Christopher Wren vs George-Eugène Haussmann

Who was George Eugene Haussman? George Eugene Haussman was a French urban planner who live from 1809 to 1891. He rebuilt Paris. Changing the entire face of the city. Knocking down around 12,000 buildings and aqueducts, clean water, sewerage, highlighted important cultural features of Paris.

Who was Christopher Wren? Christopher Wren was an architect who live from 1632 to 1723. He was responsible for changing the face of London following the Great Fire of London. He created many new churches, including St Pauls Cathedral.


National Curriculum:

describe and understand key aspects of: human geography, including: economic activity including trade links

locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities (Paris/London)



Present findings to peers

How and why do people trade goods and services with each other around the world?People trade by buying, selling, and exchanging goods and services, which helps different countries get the things they need and grow their economies.

What are the key environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics of Paris? Paris is located in the temperate environmental region of northern France, characterized by the River Seine, a relatively flat landscape, and a dense urban environment with iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, a high population density, and a global cultural and economic influence.

What are the key environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics of London? London's key environmental regions include the Thames River Basin and green spaces like the Royal Parks; its key physical characteristics include the River Thames and a generally low-lying landscape, while its key human characteristics include its dense population, historic landmarks, diverse economy, and extensive transport network.


Real PE Unit:

Unit 2

Cog Focus

  • Creative Skills

Fundamental Movement Skills

  • Static Balance: Seated
  • Static Balance: Floor Work

Planning Link



Peer feedback/instructions


National Curriculum:

Focus objectives:




apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures

Feedback on designs, presenting ideas/final product


Fashion design - Repurpose old clothes. Link to Art/History

What are the steps in the process of designing clothes?Fashion design has five main steps: concept, sketches, fabrics/material choices, making (sew or put it together), and presenting (let people see and wear it)!

Core Vocabularytransforming, mending, embroidery, sewing, restyling, reworking, redesign


National Curriculum:

Working Scientifically


Discussions, Sharing ideas/views, explanations, presenting results.


Purple Mash

Purple Mash 6.2- Online safety (2 lessons)

Purple Mash 6.4- Blogging (4 lessons)



Steel Pans


Language Angels Unit

Core Vocabulary & Phonetics:

  • Recap Previous Vocabulary



Intermediate Language Unit (6 Lessons):

  • Que Fecha Es Hoy? (What is the date?)




Planning Link

Planning Link

Speaking aloud