BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool
BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool
Year 5 Term 3A
No visit
Oracy Development Opportunities
Focus Narrative:
Fantasy Stories
Key Text/Stimulus:
The Dream Giver (Animation)
Focus Non-Narrative:
Imagery Poems
Key Text/Stimulus:
Fantasy Creatures
Curriculum support genres:
Concept art - Creatures
What is character concept art?Character concept art is a drawing or painting that shows an idea for a character’s look, including their clothes, colors, and personality, before they appear in a story, game, or film.
Jigsaw RE
What is the best way for a Sanatani to show commitment to God?
Debate, discussions, hot-seating
What is punja and how does it show a commitment to god?Punja is when Sikhs (Sanatanis) wash the feet of visitors at the Gurdwara to show kindness and respect, demonstrating their commitment to God by serving others with humility.
How do Sanatanis worship and show devotion to the gods and goddesses?Sanatanis show their love and respect for the gods and goddesses by praying, singing songs (bhajans), offering flowers and food, lighting lamps, and visiting temples to ask for blessings.
National Curriculum:
No focus
No focus
National Curriculum:
use the 8 points of a compass, 4- and 6-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world
Create an animated guide
What are the eight compass points? north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-west, west and north-west.
What is an Ordinance Survey map? Ordnance Survey is Britain's mapping agency. O.S. maps show human and physical features of the environment e.g. land height, hills, valleys.
How do you find a specific place on a map? Using a 4 or 6 figure grid reference. A grid reference allows someone to mark a place on a map by referring to vertical and horizontal lines called 'eastings' and 'northings'. Along the corridor and up the stairs.
National Curriculum:
No focus
No focus
National Curriculum:
Living Things/Habitats
describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird
describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals
Discussions, explanations, presentation, animation voice overs.
WOW! Practical Introduction
Each child receives a caterpillar mini habitat to observe over time. During the first session, children will create a observation record to keep track of changes to the caterpillar including length, colour, texture etc.
Gestation periods of animals
Life Cycle animations
How do animals reproduce? Animals reproduce sexually. Through the union of sperm and egg, Males produce sperm that can fertilise the egg released by females during a process called ovulation. The fertilised egg can develop into offspring which are like both parents.
How do plants reproduce? Plants reproduce to make new plants through sexual and asexual reproduction. Pollination is picked up from the anthers by a pollinator and transported to the stigma of another flower. Fertilisation then occurs. Fertilisation is the process of pollen joining with an ovule causing the ovule to become a seed. Asexual reproduction produces offspring which are a copy of the parent.
What are the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, reptiles, insects and birds? Mammals are born live, grow into adults, and have babies; amphibians hatch from eggs, often start life in water (like tadpoles), then grow legs and lungs; reptiles hatch from eggs or are born live, growing into adults with scales; insects hatch from eggs, go through stages like larvae and pupae before becoming adults; and birds hatch from eggs, grow feathers, learn to fly, and become adults who lay eggs.
What is the life cycle of a plant? There are the 5 stages of plant life cycle. The seed, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and seed spreading stages.
Information Tech
Stop Motion Animation - (iPad) linked to Science content
Purple Mash
Purple Mash 5.7- concept maps (2 lessons)Purple Mash 5.2- online safety (Lesson 3)
presentation, animation voice overs.