BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

  • LTP Home
  • 1A The Investigation Bureau
  • 1B The TIME Institute
  • 2A Station Studios
  • 2B Crankpot Industries
  • 3A Portal Travel
  • 3B Flowerton Enterprises

Station Studios:

Traditional Tales

Year 1 Term 2A


We will be working as ‘TV Producers’ at ‘Station Studios. We will be creating new episodes of the show 'Portal' all about traditional tales.


Seven Stories, Newcastle




TV Studio

Drama workshop

Oracy Development Opportunities

Curriculum Overview


Music We will explore music through singing with our specialist music teacher. We will use songs and games to help us learn lots of different styles of music and a wide range of songs and tunes.

Design Technology We will investigate ‘moving pictures’ and the mechanisms that make them work, including sliders. We will use this to creative moving picture posters to advertise our movie. Taking inspirations from the 3 bears will be make porridge using skills such as mixing and pouring, adding other ingredients to see which we like best.

Art We will continue to explore creatively in our Creative Studio - where we can create images and models both individually and while working together. 



Traditional Tales Using the movie ‘Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes’ as inspiration, we will explore traditional tales, including Goldilocks, Red Riding Hood and the tale of the three pigs. We will write our won stories using these characters and use the stories to inspire our work at ‘Station Studios'

Poetry We will listen to and read a range of traditional British poetry including ‘Now we are 6’. We will retell them orally, through performance and play.



Addition and Subtraction We will look at symbols and language relating to adding and subtracting and learn strategies to help us add and subtract numbers and objects.

Number: place value We will continue to explore and learn about number and place value including ordering numbers, ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd etc.) and the number line. This will also help us with adding and subtracting.

Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s We will explore counting in different patterns, mainly 2/5 and 10s and will learn about each of these times tables. We will use songs to help us and look for patterns to remember.



Our whole school Jigsaw PSHE focus this half term is ‘Dreams and Goals’. In Year 1 we will explore this through circle time, games, activities and videos. We will learn about how to set goals and tackle challenges.

Understanding the World

Science We will continue to observe the changing seasons as we move from Winter into Spring. We will discuss what happens in Spring.

Computing We will begin to explore programming and coding using ‘Beebots’ to plan a route for Red Riding Hood. We will work in teams and follow each others’ instructions. We will also use technology to creative and record digital puppets to retell our favourite traditional tales. We will continue to learn about online safety.

RE We will find out about what it means to be Jewish, exploring the lives of Jewish people and  their special times and places.



This half term we will continue to develop our movement skills in our PE lessons, one of which will be dance with a Newcastle United Foundation specialist.


Focus Narrative:

Traditional Tales (Not Fairytales)

Key Text/Stimulus:

Red Riding Hood, 3 Little Pigs, 3 Billy Goats, Goldilocks


Focus Non-Narrative:

Traditional UK poems (Oral)

Key Text/Stimulus:

Now Am I Six


Curriculum support genres:

Labels, lists & captions


Performing poems

Hot seating/retelling



No focus


No focus


Jigsaw RE

Who is God to the Jews?

(Northumberland Agreed Syllabus - Who is Jewish and how do they live?)


Who is the special person that Jews believe started Judaism?
Abraham is considered the founder of Judaism

What is a covenant?God made a special agreement with the Jewish people called ‘A Covenant’  

What is the Torah?God gave the Jews a Holy Book called the Torah. The 10 commandments are a set of rules that tells them how to live their lives in a way that pleases God. These rules are found in the Torah and were given to Moses.


National Curriculum:

No focus



No focus


National Curriculum:

No focus



No focus


Real PE Unit:

Unit 3

Cog Focus

  • Cognitive Skills

Fundamental Movement Skills

  • Dynamic Balance: On a Line
  • Static Balance: Stance

Planning Link





National Curriculum:

Focus objectives:

Explore and use mechanisms [levers, sliders) in their products


feedback/presenting TV show

What is a mechanism?A mechanism is something that makes a part of an object move.

What is a lever used for?A lever helps lift or move things by pushing or pulling.

What does a slider do?A slider helps parts of an object move back and forth in a straight line.


Traditional tales - Moving picture books. (‘Make and Do TV show)


National Curriculum:

Working Scientifically


Observe over time - Spring hunt - observe flowers and plants grow. Springwatch TV show

Weather forecast TV show


Role play - TV shows


observe changes across the 4 seasons

observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies



National Curriculum:

Computer Science

Lego Builders (Purple Mash Unit 1.4)


Information Tech

Create video based on Traditional tales using 'Puppet Pals' (iPad)

Talk and record

Online Safety

Hector's World - Carnival



Specialist teacer

2 part songs

