BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool
BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool
Heroes of the Past
Year 1 Term 1B
Time Agents under the direction of the agents at The Time Institute must research and investigate time anomalies cause by the time-trickster Vortex as he travels through time. They will present the information the find to restore the timeline. The Time Agents will use the information they have gathered to feedback to The Time Institute. They will present their findings to the Agents.
Rainbow Stories
World Science DayGuy FawkesRemembrance Day
Curriculum Overview
Historical Stories We will be reading stories based on the Great Fire of London. We will explore characters, setting, plot and sentences. We will use familiar story language to tell stories to each other.
Recounts We will learn what a recount is and what makes it different to a story. We will write a recount of something we have done, write diaries and look at some diaries from the past, including Samuel Pepys’ diary of The Great Fire of London.
Music We will explore music through singing with our specialist music teacher. We will use songs and games to help us learn lots of different styles of music and a wide range of songs and tunes. We will practise and perform our Christmas Nativity songs
Design Technology We will be using cooking and nutrition skills to make our own gingerbread biscuits and/or bakery bread.
Art We will be exploring the work of Andy Warhol and using different art techniques to re create some of his famous artwork. We will learn about his life and how he created his artwork.
Understanding the World
Science We will continue to observe the changing seasons as we move from Autumn to Winter. We will discuss what happens in Winter.
History While working as Time Agents we will explore significant people and events from the past, including, Samuel Pepys, The Great Fire of London and Grace Darling.
Computing We will look at home computer programmes can help us group and sort. We will learn about pictograms and what they can show us.
RE We will talk about what it means to belong to a community. We will find out about how different faiths bring a sense of community to their members.
Shape We will continue our work on 2D and 3D shapes. We will learn to identify, describe and sort according to their properties. We will learn the names and properties of 2d and 3d shapes and recognise them in real life.
Add and subtract We will look at symbols and language relating to adding and subtracting and learn strategies to help us add and subtract numbers and objects.
Number: place value We will continue to explore and learn about number and place value including ordering numbers, ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd etc.) and the number line. This will also help us with adding and subtracting.
This half term we will continue to develop our movement skills in Dynamic Balance to Agility: Jumping and Landing and Static Balance: Seated in our PE lessons, one of which will be dance with a Newcastle United Foundation specialist.
Our whole school Jigsaw PSHE focus this half term is ‘Celebrating Difference’.. In Year 1 we will explore this through circle time, games, activities and videos. We will learn about differences, friendships and families and diversity.
Oracy Development Opportunities
Focus Narrative:
Historical Stories (Retelling/Story Language)
Key Text/Stimulus:
Great Fire of London
Focus Non-Narrative:
Key Text/Stimulus:
3 Little Pigs/Great Fire
Curriculum support genres:
Labels, lists & captions
Hot seating
Feedback and evaluations
Andy Warhol
What is Pop Art?Pop Art is a fun style of art that uses bright colours and pictures of everyday things like food, toys, and famous people.
Who is a famous Pop Artist?One famous Pop Artist is Andy Warhol. He painted pictures of soup cans and famous people, like Marilyn Monroe.
What kinds of objects are in Pop Art?Pop Art shows things we see every day, like comic books, food, and big, bold words.
Jigsaw RE
What gifts might Christians in my town have given Jesus if he had been born here rather than in Bethlehem?
(Northumberland Agreed Syllabus - Why does Christmas matter to Christians?)
Who do Christians believe Mary was?Christians believe Mary was a young Jewish woman whom God chose to be the mother of his son, Jesus.
Who do Christians believe Gabriel was?Christians believe that God sent his angel, Gabriel, to ask this of Mary.Mary agreed (this is called her “Fiat”) and Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
Why is Jesus begin born special for Christians?This is the Christian concept of incarnation: God becoming man or literally being “made flesh”.
National Curriculum:
Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
Hot seating
Great Fire of London/Samuel Pepys
Grace Darling
English - Recounts
Grace Daring - RNLI
Great Fire of London How did the fire start and why did it spread?
Sept 2nd 1666 - Thomas Farriner (bakery on Pudding Lane) from a spark from the fire Buildings close together Long hot dry summerWindy conditions
How did people fight the fire?
There was no fire brigade.
People used leather buckets of water from river. Samuel Pepys persuaded King Charles to tell people to pull houses down using fire hooks to stop to fire spreading.
King Charles also gave permission for soldiers to use gunpowder to blow up houses to stop the fire.People escaped over the river in boats and on foot.
What was London like after the fire and what has changed?
Most of London had to be rebuilt and it took almost 50 years to finish it all! It was a hard time for the people who lived there.Lots of people died from disease and from the very cold winter after the fire because the temporary buildings were not good enough. New buildings had to be built from stone (rather than wood) and streets had to be wider so that the buildings were further apart. The first Fire Brigade was established after the Great Fire
How do we know about the Great Fire?
Samuel Pepys wrote about it in his diary. We have other eyewitness reports. It was written about in newspapers. We have artwork and drawings that show the fire.
National Curriculum:
name, locate and identify characteristics of the 4 countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas
London - Linked to history
What is London?London is the capital city of the UK.
Where is London on a map of the UK?
What are some famous landmarks in London?River Thames, Parliament, London Eye, Tower Bridge, Tower of London
National Curriculum:
Focus objectives: Cooking and Nutrition
Focus skills:
Group evaluations and discussions
Gingerbread biscuits
What is it called when we mix the ingredients into a dough?
National Curriculum:
Working Scientifically
Observe over time - Winter hunt - identify, group and classify found materials by properties, pattern, made/natural.
Weather diary
WOW! Practical Introduction
Pumpkin Jack
Read Pumpkin Jack and add own pumpkin to a sealed jar. Observe changes over the year.
observe changes across the 4 seasons
observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
National Curriculum:
Computer Science
Grouping and Sorting (Purple Mash Unit 1.2)
Information Tech
Pictograms (Purple Mash Unit 1.3)
Digital Literacy
School Acceptable Use Policy
Specialist teacher.
Repetitive songs
Call and response