BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool
BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool
Year 1 Term 3A
Portal Travel is part of Olive Stein’s Portal Enterprise and is a worldwide travel company. The Travel Agents will complete a range of different tasks for Olive including the running of Portal Travel. The travel agents will work to advertise a new trip to Africa for Portal Travel.
Julia Donaldson
Safari Lodge and Campsite
Posting Postcards Home
Oracy Development Opportunities
Curriculum Overview
Music We will explore music through singing with our specialist music teacher. We will use songs and games to help us learn lots of different styles of music and a wide range of songs and tunes. We will explore some traditional African songs.
Design Technology We will be focussing on designing and making. We will explore African masks and rainsticks. We will design a suitcase for the character in our story.
Art We will explore the work of Tanzanian painter, Edward Tingatinga through the mediums of drawing and painting.
This half term we will be reading ‘Meerkat Mail’. We will be reading the story together, exploring setting, and characters and using it to help use explore different types of writing.
Postcards and Letters We will use pictures and character from the story to help us create postcards from different locations. We will also learn how to write a letter and try to use the features in our own letters.
Information Posters We will research and explore a country in Africa and create travel posters to persuade people to visit.
Position and Direction We will explore ordinal numbers and describe position using words such as left, right, above below, forwards and backwards
Fractions We will explore halves and quarters – recognising and finding a half of an object, shape and quantity and recognising and finding a quarter of an object, shape and quantity
Multiplication and Division We will continue to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s We will work on recognising and adding groups, making arrays and making doubles and dividing by making equal groups by grouping and sharing
Our whole school Jigsaw PSHE focus this half term is ‘Relationships’. In Year 1 we will explore this through circle time, games, activities and videos. We will learn about all kinds of relationships, including, family, friends and people who help us and about how we show respect to others.
Understanding the World
Geography We will explore a town in Africa and compare it to our town of Bedlington. We will use maps to help use learn and discover more about the world. We will find out about Botswana and use this to create information posters.
Computing We will explore ‘Coding’, using algorithms to create simple computer programs
RE We explore the question ‘Who do Christians say made the world?’ and explore the Jewish/Christian Creation story. Science We will continue to explore the seasons as we move into Summer.We will also develop our scientific enquiry skills through questioning, exploring and presenting results.
This half term we will develop our Physical Skills - Coordination: Sending and Receiving and Agility: Reaction/Response - in our PE lessons. We will also continue to work with our Newcastle United Foundation specialist.
Focus Narrative:
Travel Stories
Key Text/Stimulus:
Meerkat Mail
Focus Non-Narrative:
Information Text (Poster)
Key Text/Stimulus:
Tourism Brochures/Posters
Curriculum support genres:
Tinga tinga - patterns and colours
What is Tinga Tinga?
Tinga Tinga is a colorful style of painting from Africa that tells stories about animals and nature with fun shapes and bright colors.
Jigsaw RE
Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?
(Northumberland Agreed Syllabus - What does it mean to belong to a faith community?)
What is Shabbat?
- Shabbat (Sabbath) is celebrated both in the home and the synagogue and the main requirement is that no work should be attempted from sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday.
- The start of Shabbat is marked with a special meal and ceremony in the home.
- When worshipping, Jews wear a skull cap called a kippah. This is usually worn by men as a sign of respect to God.
National Curriculum:
No focus
No focus
National Curriculum:
the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles
understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country (Bedlington Station compared to village in Botswana)
use simple compass directions and locational and directional language to describe the location of features and routes on a map
Where is Botswana?
Hot part of the world
Near the equator
How is Botswana similar to the UK?
People live there.
People work there.
People live in families.
How is Botswana different to the UK?
Food, Houses, Animals, Weather, Flag
What is are maps and compass directions and what do we use them for?
A map is used to show where places are. Compass directions help us to find the right way to go (direction)Maps can be used to find a way from one place to another.
National Curriculum:
Focus objectives:
Cooking and Nutrition
Focus skills:
National Curriculum:
Working Scientifically
Exploring magnets - What is magnetic?
(Link to Geog - compass and previous Science -materials)
observe changes across the 4 seasons
observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
Specialist singing teacher