BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool
BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool
Year 1 Term 1A
We are working as Detectives at The Investigation Bureau. Chief Inspector Anita Case delivers cases to the detectives to investigate. The detectives follow the clues to find out more. The Detectives feedback to the Chief Inspector using their case board. They add information to the board to help solve the case. Anita Case messages the detectives and sends case files to help.
Black History Month
Nursery Rhymes
House/Building Site
Curriculum Overview
Labels and Captions We will label materials and list what we will need to make an invention for The Investigation Bureau. We will write captions for different materials eg. Where we will find them and what they are used for. We will also explore the use of lists, labels and captions for other areas of our learning and real life.
Stories We will use Nursery Rhymes to help us tell simple stories. We will focus on repetitive phrases and story language. We will look at the characters and use new words to describe them.
Music We will explore music through singing with our specialist music teacher. We will use songs and games to help us learn lots of different styles of music and a wide range of songs and tunes.
Design Technology We will create an invention for The Investigation Bureau using different materials. We will build structures, explore how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable. We will use our construction skills to create the invention in groups.
Number We will plot numbers on a number line and count forwards and backwards to 10. We will also use different objects to help us count and use different representations to help us recognise numbers in picture and object form. We will also practise writing numbers and forming them correctly.
Addition and Subtraction We will practise number bonds to 10 and use different objects to help us add and subtract numbers within 10.
Our whole school Jigsaw PSHE focus this half term is ‘Being Me in My World’.. In Year 1 we will be learning about interests, talents, feelings, choices and rules. PSHE will consist of circle time, group and individual activities and a range of interactive tasks using games and puppets.
Understanding the World
Science We will investigate properties of materials for The Investigation Bureau– describing them according to how they feel and look and then sorting them according to natural or man-made. The Investigation Bureau will send a range of materials for us to experiment with.
Geography We will learn about the 4 seasons and create a class display that will change with each season. We will also look at how the seasons and weather differ at different times and in different places in the world.
Computing We will be using laptops and iPads for research and learning games. We will learn how to log on to the computers and internet and use them to help us with some of our learning. We will also start to learn about programming, problem solving and E-Safety.
RE We will talk about what Christians believe God is like.
History This half term we will be learning about George Stephenson and the railway. We will explore his life, his achievements and look at the impact of the railway throughout history within our local area.
This half term we will be developing our movement skills in our PE lessons, one of which will be working with Newcastle United Foundation.
Oracy Development Opportunities
Focus Narrative:
Stories based on Nursery Rhymes (Retelling/Story Language)
Key Text/Stimulus:
Nursery Rhymes
Focus Non-Narrative:
Labels, lists & captions (linked to Science)
Key Text/Stimulus:
Whatever Next/Traction Man
Curriculum support genres:
Labels, lists & captions
Reciting rhymes
No focus
Water colours - mixing
What are the primary colours?
Which colours can we make by mixing?
Jigsaw RE
What do Christians believe about God?
(Northumberland Agreed Syllabus - What do Christians believe God is like?/Who do Christians say made the world?)
Performing acts of kindness
How do Christians believe the world began?Creation story from the book of Genesis in the Bible in the Old Testament.
Who do Christians believe made the world?God is the Creator of the world according to the Bible
In the creation story, what did God ask the first humans to do? God gives the first humans the responsibility to look after the world He has created.
Local railway (linked to materials)
National Curriculum:
identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom
use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to:key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather
Talk about what we can see on the train.
What is the weather today?
What are the different weather types?
What are the seasons and which season is it now?
Which natural features can we see?
National Curriculum:
Focus objectives:
build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable
Group evaluations and discussions
Exploring Materials - Building structures and bridges
Model Making - junk materials
Can we describe the properties of the materials we are using?
How can we join the materials together?
National Curriculum:
Everyday Materials
distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made
identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock
describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials
compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties
Autumn nature hunt - identify, group and classify found materials by properties, pattern etc.
Seek materials and discuss uses.
WOW! Practical Introduction
Tower Build
Which team can use the recyclable materials to build the tallest tower? Can we name the materials as we use them?
observe changes across the 4 seasons
observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
National Curriculum:
Computer Science
Human Crane - Following Instructions
Information TechUsing iPads - QR codes to watch Nursery Rhymes
Verbal Instructions
Digital Literacy
Online Safety & Exploring Purple Mash
Specialist music teacher.
Repetitive songs
Call and response