BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

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School Lunches

Parent Pay

Under the Universal Free School meal scheme, if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and has a school meal, there will be no charge. The system is very flexible and you can opt for your child to have a school meal every day, on specific days each week, or on an ad-hoc basis (taking meals as and when you choose).

If you are providing a packed lunch, please remember that we encourage the children to adopt a healthy lifestyle and packed lunches should be nutritionally well-balanced, with no sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks. We also have a number of children with severe nut allergies and therefore ask you to ensure that packed lunches contain NO NUT PRODUCTS.

There are a variety of different school meal choices each week (including the option of a jacket potato with various toppings). The food is home-made each day by our kitchen staff.

We use an online system called ‘Parent Pay’, which you will use to order and pay for your child’s school lunches. The school office supply details of how to register.

School lunches must be paid for in advance and you are able to choose how far in advance you wish to book and pay for meals. From the day before to a whole half term.

Menus can be viewed on Parent Pay.

School dinners currently cost £2.30 per day
