BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

Behaviour & Rewards

Behaviour Policy

School Rules

Our school rules are a fundamental part of everyday school life. They have been designed to be simple, memorable and to cover all aspects of behaviour. Our rules are displayed throughout school, in classroom and communal areas. All staff know the school rules and refer to them regularly when promoting positive behaviour outcomes.

Our school rules are:·      

Our Restorative Approach

At the heart of our Restorative Approach is the intention to resolve conflict in that occurs between people through a peaceful and fair process in which all parties are heard and respected.We believe all children should understand that it is the responsibility of staff, pupils and members of the school community to uphold and maintain the school’s values and rules. On occasions when these values and rules are not being respected or followed, we use restorative approaches as outlined in our behaviour chart to help pupils understand the impact of their actions and how to resolve it. We believe that by using this Restorative Approach we are giving pupils the skills to independently take responsibility for their behaviour and make more informed choices in the future. Restorative approaches encourage pupils to think about how their behaviour affects others, both pupils and staff. It helps children to develop the values of respect, responsibility, peace, thoughtfulness, friendship, empathy, hope, fairness and love. If a pupil in our school has been negatively affected by someone’s behaviour, adults will ensure that each child’s right to be heard is respected and the situation is resolved fairly. If a pupil has done something wrong, they will be asked to recognise the impact their behaviour has had on others and suggest a solution to resolve the situation and prevent reoccurrence in the future.


30 Second Intervention

A 30 second behaviour intervention is used to reinforce expectations in the classroom when a child’s behaviour does not reflect the school’s standards and rules. This intervention is applied after general classroom behaviour management strategies have been used in order to challenge and change displayed behaviours. Where the behaviours continue, a 30 second behaviour intervention takes place. Key to this intervention is that it is carried out discreetly and calmly. The purpose of this intervention is to act as a reminder to the child about behaviour expectations and as an opportunity to change the behaviour they are displaying. Adults use a script in order to provide a quick, consistent and non-judgemental dialogue with the child to encourage positive behaviour choices. The script is delivered in a calm manner to avoid any escalation and it should not be a discussion with the child. The script is delivered sitting side to side with the child, ideally away from other children.


Restorative Conversation

The Restorative Conversation is designed to help the child realise how their behaviour impacts others, teach what appropriate behaviour looks like and equip the child with tools they can use to avoid similar behaviour in the future. Restorative conversations happen outside of lesson time (play time, lunch time, end of the day) and are based on simple questions. These questions are be adapted to suit the age and understanding of the child in question. Incidences of Restorative Conversations are recorded  in order to monitor behaviour patterns. An overview or behaviour/rules broken, should be included in the report.


Behaviour Outcomes

At Bedlington Station Primary School we know that behaviours displayed in school can have both positive and negative outcomes. Through our restorative approach, we aim to achieve a positive outcome after negative behaviours. We also recognise that most children in school follow the school rules and are unlikely to need to take part in restorative interventions and conversations. For this reason, we maintain the importance or recognising and rewarding behaviour that matches the high expectations we have. We employ several strategies to achieve this.


Recognition Board

At Bedlington Station Primary School, we know that there are many ways children can demonstrate good behaviour and many go above and beyond our high expectations. In order to recognise this, each class uses a ‘recognition board’. This is an opportunity for every child to be acknowledged for their good behaviour. Children area added to this board during the day when they demonstrate behaviour that reflects our school rules or our values (The Guardians – Kindness, Curiosity, Bravery, Creativity and Fairness). Children are also able to recommend their peers to adults for recognition if they have seen these behaviours displayed. Children can be recognised multiple times during each day.  


We also recognise the children that go above and beyond our high expectations for behaviour, effort, attitude and work.Positive behaviour may be rewarded with:

Station Stars are used to reward children for all aspects of behaviour, work, attitude or for demonstrating The Guardians values. Children receive a single Station Star per reward. These are collected by each child and can be exchanged for individual prizes or for a collective reward (e.g. extra break time for their class). Station Star slips should be initialled and given to the child by the adult issuing the Station Star. When children receive a Station Star, they can also add a Station Sphere to their team’s total. Each half term, the team with the most Station Spheres receive a group reward experience such as a disco or bubble party.

Station Stars

Head Teacher Awards

Head Teacher Award certificates are presented in ‘Achievement Assembly’ each Friday. The children who receive these awards have impressed staff during the week by producing a piece of outstanding work.

Ice Cream Friday

Each week staff choose a child from each class who has impressed them with their exceptional behaviour during the week. This could including following the school rules or even having amazing manners. These children are invited to ‘Ice Cream Friday’ in the Rainbow Station where they create their own ice cream desserts!

Star Tea

Children who have displayed exceptional effort during the week are chosen by staff to attend Star Tea. These children may have found something tricky but persevered, tried their absolute best to produce the best work they could or have made a real effort to change or improve their attitude or behaviour towards something. Star Tea is hosted by Mr Burgess. Children attending Star Tea receive a certificate and can even request songs to be played!