BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

  • LTP Home
  • 1A The TIME Institute
  • 1B Portal Design
  • 2A Flowerton Museum
  • 2B Portal Travel
  • 3A Station Studios
  • 3B Portal Press

Portal Travel: Mexico


Year 4 Term 2B


Travel Writers


No visit



Oracy Development Opportunities


Focus Narrative:

Cultural Stories

Key Text/Stimulus:

Dias De los Muertos (Animation)  

Focus Non-Narrative:

Formal Letter Writing

Key Text/Stimulus:

Science - pollution in food chains

Curriculum support genres:

Formal Letter Writing

Non-chronological reports

Hot-seating as characters, sharing ideas and feelings

Debate around pollution.




Day of the Dead


Sugar Skulls

Papel picado (flags)

Feedback, sharing ideas

How is the art of sugar skulls unique and meaningful? The art of sugar skulls is unique because they are decorated with bright colors, intricate patterns, and symbolic designs, representing the joy of remembering loved ones and celebrating life during Día de los Muertos.


Jigsaw RE

Is forgiveness always possible for Christians?

Northumberland Agreed Syllabus - Unit L2.4 What kind of world did Jesus want?


What is the Christian concept of salvation?Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, who came to Earth in order to save humans from their sins. His death and resurrection opened up the way back to God and restored humanity’s relationship with him.

Why is 'The Lord's Prayer' special to Christians?Jesus taught his disciples “the Lord’s Prayer” which is also known as the “Our Father”. It explicitly asks God to grant the speaker forgiveness as they forgive others who have hurt them.


National Curriculum:

No focus



No focus



National Curriculum:

use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied

locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities

Tourism video, sharing information, discussions


understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the UK (North East), a region in a European country (Spain), and a region in North or South America (Mexico)

Where in the world is Mexico located? Mexico is situated in North America, as a connecting piece of land between North and South America. Mexico borders the USA, Belize and Guatemala.

What are the features of the human and physical geography of Mexico? Mexico is largely rainforest in the south and desert in the north. Mexico City is the capital city of Mexico and is densely populated. Mexico has many active volcanoes, due to the location of the country near the border of three tectonic plates (subductive)  

What is it like to live in Mexico City? Living in Mexico City means enjoying delicious food like tacos, tamales, and churros, often sold from vibrant street markets.

The city is known for its lively festivals, such as Día de los Muertos and Independence Day, where the streets come alive with music, parades, and decorations.  

Mexico City has a mild climate with warm days and cool nights, but the rainy season can bring sudden afternoon downpours.Spanish as the official language in Mexico, alongside other native languages spoken regionally.

What is The Day of the Dead and how is it celebrated in Mexico? Day of the Dead is called ‘Los dios des muertos’ in Spanish and that it is celebrated from 31st October to 2nd November (but has nothing to do with Halloween) Customs such as marigolds, offrendas, music and costumes, typical dishes eaten. The purpose of the celebration is to honour the dead and to encourage their souls to visit the world of the living for just a short period. Day of the Dead is celebrated in many other countries, including the USA.  


Real PE Unit:

Unit 3

Cog Focus

  • Creative Skills

Fundamental Movement Skills

  • Coordination: Sending and Receiving
  • Counter Balance: With a Partner


Invasion Games

Feedback, coaching, instructions

Planning Link


National Curriculum:

No focus


No focus 



National Curriculum:


construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey  


discussions, sharing/presenting  information,

WOW! Wonder Launch

Play Predators & Prey chase game. Coloured bands, certain colours can only tag other colours. Sit out when tagged. Fewer Predators, more prey.

What is a food chain, and what does it show?A food chain shows how energy is passed from one living thing to another, starting with a producer (like a plant) and moving through consumers, such as herbivores and carnivores, to predators at the top.

What is the difference between a producer, a predator, and prey in a food chain? A producer makes its own food (like plants), prey is an animal that gets eaten by another animal, and a predator is an animal that hunts and eats other animals.

Why are food chains important in understanding ecosystems?Food chains show the relationships between living things and how energy flows through an ecosystem, helping us understand the balance of nature and what happens if one part of the chain is disrupted.


National Curriculum:

Computer Science

Animation (PM Unit 4.6)

Digital Literacy

Effective Searching (PM Unit 4.7)

Debate, discussions, sharing ideas and views


Planning Link

Instrument Tuition

Steel Pans



Language Angels Unit

Core Vocabulary & Phonetics:

  • Recap Previous Vocabulary


Intermediate Language Unit (6 Lessons):

  • Me Presento (Presenting myself)



Planning Link

Planning Link

Speaking aloud