BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

  • LTP Home
  • 1A The Investigation Bureau
  • 1B The TIME Institute
  • 2A Station Studios
  • 2B Portal Design
  • 3A Flowerton Enterprises
  • 3B Book of Wonders

Portal Press:

Book of Wonders - Nature

Year 2 Term 3B


Authors/ Researchers


Alnwick Gardens


Class choice

Oracy Development Opportunities


Focus Narrative:

Random Writing

Key Text/Stimulus:

In response to cohort need  

Focus Non-Narrative:

Random Writing

Key Text/Stimulus:

In response to cohort need

Curriculum support genres:

All genres previously covered



Andy Goldsworthy


3D work (Natural Materials)


Who is Andy Goldsworthy?Goldsworthy is an artist who creates temporary art pieces using natural materials found in the environment. His art reflects the changing seasons and nature's beauty


Jigsaw RE

How important is the Qur'an to Muslims?

Northumberland Agreed Syllabus- Unit 1.9 How should we care for others and for the world, and why does it matter?


What is the Qur’an?
It is the holy book for Muslims.

Why is the Qu'ran important to Muslims?
Muslims  believe the Qu'ran to be the actual words of Allah spoken in Arabic, the language chosen by Allah. It is treated with great care. Muslims believe the Qur’an gives information on how to live life the way Allah would want.

How is the Qur’an is treated with care?
-Being put on a stand when used, so it is not touched too much.
- When not used it is wrapped in a clean cloth

- When not being read it should be the highest book in the room.
- Never being placed on the floor- Hands are washed before it is touched.


National Curriculum:

No focus



No focus


National Curriculum:


use world maps, atlases and globes

use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment  



Fieldwork observations. - Collect and compare data. School grounds vs Alnwick Gardens

What is fieldwork?
Fieldwork involves going outside to observe and collect information about their environment. It's about studying geography in real life, rather than just looking at maps or books.

What are the key human features of our school?The school building, classrooms, playground, play equipment, benches, footpaths, car park, and any roads near the school.
What are the key physical features of our school?Trees, bushes and grass.


Real PE Unit:

Unit 6

Cog Focus


Health and Fitness


Fundamental Movement Skill

Agility: Ball Chasing

Static Balance: Floor Work




National Curriculum:

No focus



observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy


Plant Pumpkins


Pumpkins & Broad beads - observe and compare growth.


WOW! Wonder Launch

Exploring bulbs

WOW! Wonder Launch

Dead, alive or never been alive sorting

National Curriculum:

Living Things/Habitats

explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive

identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other

identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including microhabitats

describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food


National Curriculum:

Computer Science

Coding Hopscotch (iPad)

Information Tech

Presenting Ideas (PM Unit 2.8)


Word Processing - Pages (iPad)

Planning Link

Digital Literacy

Review of Year’s Digital Literacy


 Online Safety

Lee and Kim - Animal adventure

ESafety campaign. - Create a game for Year 1

Planning Link

Planning Link



Specialist teacher
