BedlingtonStation PrimarySchool

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Our school is a happy, safe and vibrant place where everyone feels valued and accepted, and inspired to reach their full potential. Our school is...

Ethos & Aims

Safe, Happy, Inspiring, Nuturing, Enjoyed by all...

A place to SHINE.

At Bedlington Station Primary School we aim to:

Support pupils in developing personal moral values, respect for religious values, and being accepting of other races, religions and ways of life.

Encourage children to become independent and to be able to make considered decisions when given choices.

Create a happy, stable and secure atmosphere in an attractive and stimulating environment where children can take pleasure in their learning and pride in themselves.

Develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills, to have experience of using their imaginations and expressing their ideas, thoughts and feelings in satisfying ways.

Provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum, which incorporates National Curriculum, and enables each child to maximise his/her full potential.

Our Ethos and Aims are underpinned in school through our Core Attributes and Values. Find out more here.