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Information for Parents & Carers

School Closure in place from 3pm Friday 20th March 2020



Miss Curry


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Twinkl's School Closure Resource Packs make it as stress-free as possible for parents to teach their children from home.

Each week a new pack will be added. Please feel free to use these as much or a little as you wish.

They offer a more structured approach to each week for those parents that would like that.

You will need to create a free account to access the resource links in the packs.

Resource Pack 1


Resource Pack 2

Resource Pack 3


Home Learning Plan


Choose an English lesson

Update 3



Click on this link and read about friction. Complete your own experiment to test the friction of different surfaces. Find different types of materials from around your home. See how far a toy car travels on the surfaces. Record your results - which car travelled the furthest? What does that mean about friction?Remember to keep it a fair experiment by starting the car at the same point each time.

Magnets and their invisible force

Click on this link and read about magnets. Find a magnet around your home and test which materials around your home or outside are magnetic. Keep a record of 'magnetic' and 'non-magnetic' items.


Research land features including volcanoes and earthquakes and how natural forces cause the Earth to move and react. Create a fact file about what you have found out.


Find out about the artist Picasso. Look at some of his artwork. What do you notice about the way he paints? Try to recreate one of his paintings, or create your own painting in the same style.


Research sweet foods that you can eat within a healthy diet and how we can chose sugar free/healthier alternatives to sweet foods. Find a recipe to try and use skills such as cutting, measuring and mixing skills to make flapjacks.

Update 2

Additional English Ideas - The Last Kids on Earth

If you have Netflix – watch The Last Kids on Earth – we would have been reading this book in school during the summer term. You can then do the following tasks with the story in mind.

Character profile – describe any of the main characters (human or zombie!) make sure you describe their appearance and personalities.

Create a flow map of the events in the story – but this time turn it into a comic strip! Research comic strips and what they look like. Include vivid pictures, short captions and speech/thought bubbles.

Create your own zombie/monster that could have featured in the story – draw a picture and describe it. You can then re-write a paragraph from the story including your new character.

Write a sequel – what might happen to the gang next? (There is already a sequel if you fancy reading it!)

If you don't have Netflix, you can still use all of these activities for a book you have read at home.


Additional Maths

Times Tables -Continue practising your times tables – particularly x3 x4 x8. Once you know these inside out, back to front and in any order, start on the ones we haven’t looked at in class. Remember you can search ‘have fun learning times tables’ on YouTube, and the songs we use in class will come up to help you.


Geography -Portal City Planners: New Town

Research the difference between human and physical geography. Make a list of what is included in each.

Research a different country. Find out about their culture, what they do, what they eat, what the weather is like, what jobs people do, what their flag looks like, what the buildings and landscapes look like. Use the internet and books to do this.

Once you have a good idea about the country, pick things you like/things you wish we had in our country.

Design a ‘new town’. Use anything you have learned about the country of your choice, and also use features from our country to make your new town.

Draw a map of what you would include in your new town – remember to include human and physical features. Draw and label them. Give your new town a name.

Design Technology

Once you have completed the above ‘map’ of your new town, you can now start to build it! Be creative – you could use lego to build it. You could use every day items from around your home. You might have cardboard boxes, empty milk cartons that you could cut, shape and decorate into buildings, roads or trees.



Update 1

Think about the Sheep Pig story. Write a sequel/what happens next.

Write a descriptive paragraph about your favourite character from the story. Make sure you use adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and anything else we have learned in English to make it interesting.

Write an explanation text explaining what the functions of a skeleton are. Research the features of an explanation text first so you know what you need to include.

Maths Times tables

Practise x3 x4 x8 tables so that the children know them off by heart and in any order. Give the children missing number problems using those times tables eg. 3 x ___ = 12 to deepen their learning. See if they know related facts eg. I know that 3 x 4 = 12 so I know that 12 ÷ 3 = 4.


Children need to know the value of each coin and note and understand what these values represent. They should understand that money can be represented in different ways but still have the same value. Children will need to be able to add coin values together to find the total amount. Children convert between pounds and pence using the knowledge that £1 is 100 pence. They group 100 pennies into pounds when counting money. They apply their place value knowledge and use their number bonds to 100. Children add two amounts of money using pictorial representations to support them. They are encouraged to add the pounds first and then add the pence. Children then exchange the pence for pounds to complete their calculations.


Research the functions of a skeleton and label the names of the bones in the body. Write some facts about the functions of a skeleton. What does it protect? What does it support? Does it help us move?

Create some art work using a skeleton or bones as your theme. This can be any type of art you like.

Complete a study on a European country and compare it to life in the UK. This could be a country you have travelled to or just research one that interests you.

Research how to make soda bread and try to make it at home using the correct ingredients. You could write a set of instructions on how you did it afterwards.

Find out about the story of Easter and complete a flow map of the events that happened.


Chestnut Class

Year 3

White Rose Logo

Daily maths lessons with White Rose, a programme used to support maths in school, but designed for home! Clear videos and activities, complete with answers! Follow the suggested plan or dip in wherever you like.



Resource Pack 4