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Information for Parents & Carers

School Closure in place from 3pm Friday 20th March 2020



Acorn Class


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Contact Miss Pringle

Twinkl's School Closure Resource Packs make it as stress-free as possible for parents to teach their children from home.

Each week a new pack will be added. Please feel free to use these as much or a little as you wish.

They offer a more structured approach to each week for those parents that would like that.

You will need to create a free account to access these resource links.

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Resource Pack 1

Home Learning Plan

Update 2


It is very important to keep reading with your children at home and also allow children to retell stories to you. On tapestry a link was recently posted to the Oxford Reading website with lots of free books that you can look at with your child. There is also the BSPS story site where you can listen to stories read by our teachers which you could later discuss with your child. Reading is so important to on a daily basis.

Rhyme and Alliteration: Learning nursery rhymes has a positive impact on children’s literacy skills. Please continue to watch out for rhymes of the week on tapestry. Please also practice these and other nursery rhymes with your child.

Another important skill is understanding when words start with the same sound. For example, fruit, fox and flower all start with f. On tapestry there will be challenges soon to do with this. However I would encourage simple games of I spy with a particular sound or sound hunts where your child can find as many items beginning with one sound.


Keep practising fine motor skill activities, such as playing with play dough, threading, doing your buttons and using tweezers for activities.  More fine motor tasks will come through on tapestry.


Keep counting and working on number recognition. You might like to make a number line and have a go at organising the numbers from 1-10 or 1-20. You could even have a go at writing some of the numbers on your number line!

You don’t just have  to practice your counting with objects, you could have a go at seeing how many claps or jumps you could count too.  

Shapes are important too! Try seeing how many shapes you can find around your house and see what you know about them. What is the name of the shape and can you count the sides? You could even draw a picture using shapes!


This half term our topic is 'Garden Centre'. I know many of you have been using tapestry to follow Mrs Parkers Growing Challenge and have had a go at growing plant. If you have not done this, have a go! Planting and growing seeds can be great fun and it will show you how plants grow and change.

Outside right now lots of animals and insects are coming out to play.  Go on a minibeast hunt and see if you can find any on the plants and flowers that are outdoors. If you do find any maybe you could take their picture, draw a picture and find out all about them with your grown up by using a book or the internet. It would be great to see any interesting insects that you find on tapestry!

Another idea for you is to see if you could have a go at drawing or painting a picture of your favourite flower or plant in your garden or in your surrounding area. If you see a lovely flower on your daily  walk  then take a picture and have a go at painting it.

Once you have looked at some other plants you could then have a go at designing your own! What would it grow? How would it look, what colour is it? What does the seed look like? Draw or paint a picture of your brand new flower/plant idea and discuss it with your grown up. Share it on tapestry too.

Keep an eye out on tapestry for more weekly challenges and ideas!


Update 1

Please continue to read with your child daily and ask them questions regarding the characters and setting. Get them to retell the story.Please continue to work on pencil grip with your child using the sheet of activities that was given out just after parents evening. Please note that twinkl are now operating a free webpage for parents and you can find lots of pencil control sheets and activities here as well.  There are also cutting sheets available to practice cutting skills.

Our topic this half term has been Art Gallery. Get your children to draw/create a model of a flying machine. We have been talking about Leonardo Di Vinci and his flying machine. You could use boxes to junk model, draw a picture or paint one.  Ask your child questions about their picture and talk about it with them.

In maths, the children are working on counting, recognising numbers and repeating patterns. You could play board games with your child and encourage them to role dice and count. You can count objects at home to promote rote counting. You could also make a number line to 10/20 and encourage children to practice writing the numbers or use counting numbers and put them in order.

For repeating patterns, you could use coloured objects or paint to create one. E.g. I have put one green fingerprint, 1 red fingerprint, 1 green fingerprint… what comes next? You can move onto 3 colours if needed.

Keep an eye on Tapestry for more tasks and activities.

Update 3


Please keep reading with your child, this is a very important part of your child’s education. Allow them time to repeat and retell stories back to you to ensure a love of reading. Keep practicing rhymes to as these help children to understand both rhyme and alliteration. Keep encouraging your child to draw and mark make. They might like to practice some letter writing and if possible, begin practice to writing their names.  Children should be encouraged to talk about the marks they make and should be given prompts and questions from adults regarding their pictures. Why not play some rhyme games too? You could try and find items around the house that rhyme or even use a pairs style game? Another idea is to continue to find items that start with the same letter, or even challenge yourself and try and find things that end with the same letter too.


Fine Motor Skills

Recent tapestry challenges have included scissor cutting skills. This is an important skill for children to learn, please practice holding and using scissors to cut a variety of different materials and patterns. Other fine motor skill activities such as dough disco, threading, doing buttons, helping to cook and stirring can also easily be done at home. Dough disco videos are available to view on YouTube.


Children should continue to practice counting and number recognition 1-10 and 1-20. This can be done not only with led activities but also through daily walks e.g. counting the number of stairs or recognising numbers when they see car number plates or signs. Remember you could practice counting backwards too! Other skills that could be worked on include beginning to split groups equally, practicing writing numbers and counting a group of objects and finding the numeral to match. Also keep working on shapes and naming them in your everyday environments. You could do some more shape hunts, make pictures with different shapes, and even do a shape sort.


This half term we would have been looking at mini beasts. I want you to keep looking out and about during your day for the mini-beasts you can find. Could you take a picture and send it to me on tapestry? Can you find out about some of the mini-beasts that you find and maybe even draw a picture? Why not even try creating your own bug hotel in your garden and see what you can attract? If you find any don’t forget to send me a picture. We were also going to take a look at water this half term and explore it outdoors. Perhaps you and your grown up could do some experiments at home and look at how water changes when we freeze it or what happens when it gets hot. Or what about looking at what will float and sink in water too? You may even like to look into how water helps us in our everyday life and also how it helps the planet.   Have some fun too and play with some different coloured water and see what happens when the colours mix together. Mostly have fun with your mini-beast hunting and water experiments!



Resource Pack 2


Resource Pack 3


Resource Pack 4


Resource Pack 5


Resource Pack 6


Resource Pack 7


Resource Pack 8