Toys! Toys! Toys!

This half-term, Oak Class have been working for Olive Stein at Portal Design. We received our first Commission from Olive Stein informing us that Cranktoys wanted us to pitch a new electrical toy idea to them. We researched a range of existing electrical toys on the market and then designed and made our own.

She also commissioned us via The Early Learning Centre. They wanted an explanation poster based on light. The brief was that it had to be factual and suitable for children to read and use. We carried out lots of research about light, finding out how light travels, how we see objects and how shadows are formed.

Additional to the commission of making a poster for the Early Learning Centre, we were also asked to write a story in the style of Boy by Roald Dahl.

As well as all of this, we have been working on: arithmetic skills, calculation of fractions, links between fractions, decimals and percentages etc in Maths.