Save the Past. Protect the Future!

The time-trickster Chronos was at it again! He travelled through time changing the events of the past and removing significant individuals from history!

Do not fear though! The Time Agents in Sector 2 were here to help. As time anomalies were detected they got to work to discover everything they could and restore the timeline! Sneaky Chronos threw time anomalies at them from Guy Fawkes the the Artist Gustav Klimt. The Time Agents also investigated Fairy Tales when The Brothers Grimm were at risk and even wrote their own to help stabilise the timeline.

Adventurers and explorers Sir Francis Drake and Neil Armstrong were also in danger of disappearing from history. Our Time Agents researched and compared these significant figures and even had a visit from them both when Control used the EPOCH Machine to bring them from the past to Sector 2. The Time Agents were able to tell them everything they needed to restore them to the time line!