Year 5 Publishers

This half term we became journalists and publishers for Portal Press. In our Literacy lessons, we focused on Newspaper articles and wrote our own article to be published in the magazine. We looked at lots of non-fiction texts and thought about the language features we needed to include to make our newspaper professional.  

We also looked at the creative language features Poetry, and looked specifically at the work of George Ridley's 'Cushie Butterfield'.  We looked at Geordie colloquialisms and tried to incorporate these into our own versions of the poem.

In numeracy we did lots of work on fractions, decimals and percentage. We learnt how to convert between each of these and looked at why we need to know this to help us solve real life problems.

We also looked at 3D shapes and their properties, and used our knowledge of this to help us draw realistic city landscapes using perspective drawing in Art.

As well as becoming publishers, we also became investigators and explored the life cycles of plants, animals and humans. We compared each of these life cycles and created our own life cycle wheels. Following on from this, we looked at how humans change as we grow older and the effects growing up can have on us.

In geography, we looked at Japan and used atlases learn about the cities surrounding countries. We also used grid referencing to help us learn how to plot points to scale on a map.

With the Easter approaching, we looked at the Easter story  and thought about the celebrations in Holy Week. We also looked at the Epiphany Harvest and why it is celebrated.